Perimeter security has oft been described as taking the backseat within the security solutions industry. That’s a pity as it can make a huge difference in securing properties and critical infrastructure.
For this, we spoke with Carlos Tsai, Sales Manager for City Wall Enterprise, a Taiwanese security alarm manufacturer of in-house brand “Garrison” products. In the business since 1983, the company offers a wide product portfolio covering infrared beam sensors, alarm control systems, proximity access controllers, etc.
Here are three reasons to make perimeter protection part of your security arsenal:
1. Multi-layer approach to security
“Perimeter security systems, including infrared sensors and alarm control panels, create an effective security protection web that can detect any intruder situation. This is especially ideal for those areas that do not have security guards on standby, sitting in the control centers monitoring the screens.”
Video surveillance is important. But they are not the be-all and end-all of security. Adopting a multi-layer approach to security can help address vulnerabilities inherent to each single component and strengthen overall security – whether it be with intrusion detection devices, access control or physical barriers on the front end.
In a previous article, we have mentioned the growing issue of labor costs growing in Asia and abroad. Employing perimeter security devices like sensors and alarms can supplement existing security efforts, particularly during these times with decreased onsite workforces and social distancing.
2. Proactive rather than reactive
“CCTV systems can trace the crime after it is discovered. But infrared beam sensors can trigger alarm systems at the time when intruders are present and prevent the crime.”
Ever heard the saying “The best defense is a good offense?” Detection, deterrence and delay of security breaches are key aspects of any strategy.
It used to be that we can only react after the deed. Now, intrusion detection devices can alert security teams to events before it occurs or respond quickly to ongoing ones. Alternatively, these can be set up to turn lights on, speakers on or activate surveillance cameras with video analytics for secondary verification.
Early detection can buy extra time for people onsite to deal with the event or call for back up. The Garrison LK-119 Call Help Dialer is an application that can help in such scenarios. “Installed together with your landline phone, you’ll simply need to press the remote control in emergency situations. It will automatically call up to eight preset numbers, either landline phones or mobile phones,” said Tsai. “This will shorten response times down significantly.”
3. Wide array of applications
“Buildings, constructions, landings – these are all applications where you can apply infrared beam sensors to prevent intruders effectively.”
Infrared beam sensors can be installed both indoors and outdoors as they are capable of detecting intrusions across long distances. This makes them cost-effective tools for protecting homes, buildings and commercial properties.
Choosing the right sensors is important. This holds doubly true for outdoor applications where false alarms due to weather conditions or local wildlife are commonplace. Is it rated for outdoor use? Is it made of rugged construction that can stand up to the elements? Does it have waterproof ratings like IP65, IP66?
“The LK-60HQ series 4-beam sensors are ideal for outdoor installations. Capable of long distance detection range of a maximum of 250 meters, these are also waterproof with long life usage of several years.” said Tsai. The four synchronized pulsed infrared beams helps eliminates false alarms such as falling leaves and small animals.
Interested parties can also check out Garrison’s LK-60HM4 strip type sensors with dual 4 beams and slim construction.
100% “Made-in-Taiwan” security portfolio
City Wall Enterprise has grown to become one of the leading manufacturers in Taiwan for the field of infrared beam sensors. “Quality control has always been the first priority of the company. No false alarms. Our products can be used for years without problems. This lessens the need for our installers to do after-sales service and maintenance,” shared Tsai. “Garrison treasures the name it has established over the past 38 years. We test each set over and over again before export. That’s why our buyers, distributors across the globe, have placed their trust in us and our products.”
City Wall Enterprise and other key companies are scheduled to return once again at Secutech Taiwan from April 21-23, 2021. Find the largest gathering of Taiwanese manufacturers (OEM/ODMs) and software brands in Asia at the show.
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